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>> By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, (Ph.D.)


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World War III? - World Predictions (PDF)   

– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., written on March 1, 2025

Life and Time are the two great teachers. Life teaches us to make proper use of time and Time teaches us the value of life.

 Hello Friends,

In the coming times there are going to be some very difficult planetary positions somewhere around March 29th this year. The planets are going to be in very complex positions. We will have Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Saturn and Ketu opposite in the zodiac signs of Pisces and Virgo. This will generate a lot of negative energies, a lot of hostile energies. Mars will be in Gemini, Jupiter in Taurus, barring that all the other planets clash with each other.

This could affect many countries and many individuals in many ways. I do see that sometimes these kinds of planetary positions can create a war like situation, hidden dangers, natural disasters like floods and storms, and maybe I see some kind of darkness around, maybe dark smoke coming from somewhere, maybe floods, and maybe bombs.

A lot of things can happen during this time and this continues until April 12th. April 12th is probably going to be one of the worst days, because Moon will be with Rahu and Ketu in Virgo. So we'll have Moon, Ketu, Sun, Mercury, Rahu, Saturn and Venus, all in conjunction and opposition. And the major period of Mars will be on and the sub-period of Rahu in operation. This planetary cluster can cause chaos on Earth.

So we all individually have to exercise a lot of restraint and should not do anything adventurous. The leaders of all countries should be very very cautious during this time, lest they start taking sides and a war erupts or something.

This could lead to a Third World War or maybe a very difficult situation. These are dangerous times coming and the way we are looking at things practically with Ukraine and Russia and the European Union and America all at the standoff, not to forget the war ridden Gaza strip and the Middle East Islamic countries which are enemies of America. It looks like these kinds of situations can become more complicated and dangerous.

So for individuals I would say do not travel during this time, do not make any major investment during this time or major choices whether in career or marriage or childbirth, moving or anything significant.

Of course routine life must go on, but caution is the word. Lie low, don't do anything adventurous, and don’t get into any kind of disputes or litigations or fights and those kind of things. Just lead a cool life and pray to God to protect yourself and the world from a great calamity that might erupt.

Once this time passes, little by little the planets get spaced out and things become better.

But time is of the essence. The time invites a lot of cosmic energies and it can generate a lot of hostility between people, between countries, world leaders and their egos. All involved have some selfish motives. Countries, leaders and people have just made money from others' miseries. Like in COVID time. And also during wars.

I can see it's not really so clean and clear. Yes, it is about the invasion of a country, and a fight for the country. But I see there is more to it than just that. It’s not just about war or for peace. There are other motives or something else to it or there is some other agenda.

I don't know if my message reaches out to the leaders of the world. But this is not the time to indulge in a war or any great dispute.

Maybe during this time, with this kind of planetary combinations, it can become difficult even for the next couple of years. I'm looking at April 2027. At that time Jupiter and Mars and Ketu will be in Cancer, Rahu opposite that, then we'll have Saturn, Sun, Moon and Mercury all in Pisces. This again can be a very difficult kind of a planetary combination on April 5th 2027.

On April 14th 2027, I think will be a time where a Divine manifestation, a Divine intervention will happen. So I think that will be the turning point where the world will see a new kind of Consciousness, a new kind of a divine plan.

And then on May 25th 2028, the planets will be in a very nice position.

But the critical time is now, the time is today. What happens in 2027 and 2028 remains to be seen. Today is already the first of March and after the next 28 days, very crucial times await us.

Therefore I would advise everyone, leaders of all countries and individual people not to take sides or get actively involved in wars or politics. Just lie low, do your own thing, look after your own health, look after your family, look after your job, look after your children and your pets and everything. The world leaders should not engage in taking sides or becoming aggressive towards each other. Just look after the progress of your own country. Do not fight other people’s war. Do not support war. Help ever, hurt never.

The planetary situations are such that natural calamities like huge floods and storms may also happen at different parts of the world. Floods, typhoons, storms, landslides, earthquakes, anything can happen.

It’s also not necessary that these may happen only on these dates. The planets in these dates can create a torque of energies which may take its toll in later days.

Once the difficult time passes, the negative cosmic energies will subside and from the middle of May onwards things become very nice, not only for America but for many other countries, even for India.

I had mentioned that in the India subcontinent there may be some kind of a revolution, a coup taking place. This can happen in Bangladesh, Pakistan or some neighboring country. So those things will also happen.

Let's hope the end result is good. Let's hope there are no more lives lost. Let's hope there are no great calamities that come upon Humanity no matter which country, no matter which religion, no matter which part of the world. After all it is all about Humanity.


There is only one Race: The Race of Humanity.

There is only one Religion: The Religion of Love.

Let there be Love and Compassion for all humanity and for creations of God.

Let there be Peace, Peace, Peace.

Be healthy

Be wise

Be blessed.

Lokha Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu

May Everyone on the Planet be Happy!


God Bless ALL!

Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Founder & Chairman
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)



For more information on astrological gemstones, you can read here:

Important predictions fulfilled: Covid-19 source and purpose was predicted and written about in by Dr. Kumar on April 2, 2020. It has now been established, and it is being spoken about in the news. He also had predicted about Trump winning, when almost every source expected otherwise - please read more here. See more predictions on Google posts.

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