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>> By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, (Ph.D.)


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Predictions for US Elections 2024 (PDF)
– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., written on July 20, 2024

american flagHello Friends,

As we are all waiting eagerly about the US Elections this November and what to expect of the coming days, I looked at the horoscopes of the top 4 candidates and also of the horoscope of America, and thereby made my predictions.

Before I go further, let me please make it clear. I am not supporting any candidate here. I am merely looking at the horoscopes of the candidates and predicting the outcome as per their horoscope as per Vedic Astrology. This is not about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about America and the rest of the world and the economy and the wars around the world, by which not only the country, the people and the rest of the world get affected. Therefore, as NYPD says “If you see something, say something.” So I am just saying…

Now let’s start with the chart of Donald Trump. I had predicted in my previous newsletter that from May this year onwards Donald Trump’s time is good and he is likely to regain the position of President. I had also written that there would be people in the government and his own party who would backstab him, which also happened.
From September 29th he begins the sub-period of Venus and his good days are going to start. His transits also show that he is going to be more wise and do a good administration this time. He is in the major period of Jupiter and the planets are all favored to give him success.

Now let’s see Joe Biden’s horoscope. Joe Biden is going through a bad transit and he also began the major period of Saturn since June 2022. During the present time and the days to come things don’t look good for him. I had written this in my earlier newsletters and writing this again: he is likely to be afflicted mentally and he may also be susceptible to cardio vascular problems. Therefore, in one line, I will say – his time is up.

Now let’s look at the chart of the selected Vice President by Trump – JD Vance. None knows his actual time of birth. In spite of searching the internet, there is no mention anywhere about his time of birth. However, I figured out his time of birth on basis of the incidents that have taken place in his life. So I did a kind of a back calculation to determine his probable time of birth, which I think is fairly accurate. On the basis of the horoscope that I made for him, everything confirms with the incidences in his life including career, parents, marriage, children, his works, etc.

He was born under the birth star of Chitra Nakshatra, which is called the Star of Opportunity. In English, the name of the star is Spica, which is one of the brightest stars in the sky and it is ruled by Mars. This makes him a strong person and a fighter. This itself explains how he made it so far in spite of a bad childhood and early struggles in life. His Moon is in Libra in conjunction with Saturn and Mars, and Saturn is exalted (very strong). Ironically he began the major period of Saturn towards the later part of 2021. Vance entered the US Senate race in 2021 and he was elected as a Republican to the US Senate in 2022. On January 3rd 2023 he became the Senator of Ohio by defeating Democrat Tim Ryan. Saturn, Moon, and Mars rule angular houses in his horoscope. That’s why he suddenly rose to success. And his Saturn period is going to run for a long time.

So from his planets, Vance appears to be a high energy person, a quick critic and a quick action man who will fight for righteousness and justice. He is not the type of man who anyone can brainwash or bribe. He is not going to be a voiceless Vice President who just sits on a chair and smiles. He might have ideological differences with Donald Trump and will speak his mind out. His wife is going to be very loving and caring and supportive and bringing him good luck. So overall I see Vance as a strong and a good leader.

Now let’s move to Kamala Harris. As per Kamala’s chart, she is in a period of Saturn return and also in the major period of Rahu. She is likely to be mentally stressed and also have some challenges in her family life. She is also in a period of Jupiter return, but this is not going to help her in any way. As per her birth chart (if her birth information is correct), I think she became Vice President due to “circumstances”. She was born on a full-Moon day and on a Tuesday, and that’s why she had a share of success in the earlier years. But I feel her re-run for Vice President or run for President is over as per her planets.

Now let’s come to America’s chart. I had written much earlier and a few times, that America is in the major period of Rahu (a dark planet) and in the peak of the seven and a half year of Saturn. And I had predicted for the economy to go down and great financial problems for the country and bad governance which will bring the country down. And it did.

America will raise again only after May 2025. And within a year America can come back to a prosperous country and regain its lost glory. This sort of aligns with Trump’s and JD Vance’s planets. So to sum it up – Trump Triumphs, Vance Advances – Go Bye Den.

God Bless America.

God Bless ALL!

Dr. Rakesh Kumar (Ph.D)
Founder & Chairman
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)



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Important: Covid-19 source and purpose was predicted and written about in by Dr. Kumar on April 2, 2020. It has now been established, and it is being spoken about in the news.

For more information on astrological gemstones, you can read here:


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