The human body contains four gases. They are- Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide. The body also contains fourteen salts and minerals. They are – Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Iodine, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Copper, Sulphur , Fluorine, Chlorine, Manganese, Silicon and Cobalt. Of all these, the body contains 62% of oxygen, 21% of Carbon Dioxide, 9% of Hydrogen, 3% of Nitrogen, 2% of Calcium, 1% of Phosphorous, and 2% of the remaining twelve salts.
The body requires proteins, vitamins and salts for nourishing and growing. All these are available in mother nature. For a healthy body and good living, a balanced is essential. Many of us are not even aware of the resources of these proteins and vitamins, and generally end up eating junk food, which slowly decays the body. In today's time, eating non vegetarian food has become a fad. People wrongly believe that eggs, meat, fish gives them the required proteins, and that vegetarian food in only grass and shrubs.
It's the sense of taste, which people look for. Taste is waste. Most of the diseases originate from wrong habits and wrong diet. Obviously, if the fuel is polluted, the engine will crash. Indian culture, Ayurveda, Yoga, spiritualism all PROHIBIT meat, fish and eggs. Flesh is not meant for humans. Neither biologically nor spiritually. The demerits of non vegetarian food are plenty, but we shall not discuss that. It would be sufficient to say that humans should eat foods of nature, because that is what God has created them for. Given in the following page, are some vegetarian foods and their contents which provide the human body of all it's needs.