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Something New in 22 - Predictions for year 2022 (PDF)
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– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., January 1, 2022
Dear Friends
We all awaken today to the first day of the year of 2022.
I had written much earlier in my September 2019 newsletter about “a crash of the financial and economic situations of many countries. Many places on earth may experience some disaster or the other. There will be some new inexplicable diseases which could originate from water and could become an allergy which will affect many people. It may affect the blood stream, lungs heart and kidneys.” Also wrote: “The world economy will be affected. Many companies will have to shut down because of lack of demands. Many will lose jobs. The automobile and travel and transport industry will be hit hard. Some consumer industries will be affected.”– All this happened: Covid-19 and its repercussions.
There were many other predictions that I made. I encourage you to read my previous predictions by clicking here.
Having gone through the terrible year of 2020 and 2021, we all wonder what will the year 2022 bring.
So let’s see how the planets are placed on January 1st 2022 at 6 AM in New York.
World Predictions:

World Predictions:
We have the sign Scorpio rising, with Mars, Moon and Ketu in it; Venus and Sun in Sagittarius, and Venus is retrograde; Saturn and Mercury in Capricorn; Jupiter in Aquarius; Rahu in Taurus. Thus we see all the planets are in the 1st six signs of the Zodiac, between Ketu and Rahu, while the other half of the horoscope is empty.
This doesn’t look very good astrologically. It seems the Covid-19 virus is going to continue for some time, although I don’t see many lives being lost. But people can suffer from fever, blood infections or blood circulatory disorders and respiratory disorders, as well as mental health. I see this more like an allergic kind of reaction which can affect masses, but not fatal.
This whole Covid-19 virus situation will start to subside after 10th April this year. This year is also going to be a year of major transformations for mankind. There will be some Great Spiritual Phenomena that will manifest on Earth, which will initiate and start the transformation of mankind and take humanity to a higher level of spiritual consciousness.
Mind you, this is not going to be for everyone. This will happen only for those souls who deserve to “Pass-Through” into the New Age. One’s karma has to permit this spiritual transformation. Those who do not qualify, will simply die away either an untimely death or die in their own course of time and will not be born for the next 1000 years because only good and evolved souls can exist in this new time.
Evil has maxed out its time, and now Goodness and Righteousness will take over.
On planet Earth there could be a lot of land and water related disasters. I had already written in my September 2019 newsletter that “Floods will ravage some cities and boats will run on roads.” – you must have heard in the news that almost half of India was devastated by floods like never before.
The planet Venus is going retrograde until February. Then on March 1st Venus moves into Capricorn. Very soon, on March 21st, Rahu will move into Aries. And then on April 30th Saturn will move into Aquarius, and remain there until 1st week of July. It is between March and April that there will be some positive planetary movements, after which life will slowly come back to normal.
There is bound to be a Divine Presence between April 2022 and April 2023.
So overall, I feel that the suffering for the world is going to come to an end sometime from April onwards.
Let’s see how these planetary changes influence the countries and important people.
Predictions for America:
America is in the major period of Rahu and in the sub-period of Saturn, and also in the 7 ½ year cycle of Saturn. Things don’t look very good for America. I’m afraid the country will still be dealing with the Covid-19 virus and loans and debt. The glories of America as being the richest and the most prosperous country in the world are soon going to be a myth. America will still be struggling until January 2023.
Joe Binden:
As for the president Joe Biden, his time is just not good. Not good for his health and wellbeing, nor for his governance. There will be greater trouble for him regarding his children, or some child, from January 2023 as he begins his major period of Saturn from December 31st 2022. There could be danger to his life or wellbeing, and I doubt very much if he will be able to complete his term.
Donald Trump:
Many people continue to ask me about Donald Trump, so I decided to add a few lines for his predictions. Donald, is in the major period of Jupiter, which is good. And after April 2022 his time looks good overall. He may also start some new ventures or businesses which may relate to media, or hotels, or some luxury item related business.
Predictions for India:

India has been going through a very challenging time since January 2020. In several of my newsletters I have been writing about this, that India will go through many challenges regarding the government, regarding the flood situation, and a lot of opposition. I wrote in my September 2019 newsletter that “There will be some water borne disease which will spread fast. Floods will ravage some cities and boats will run on roads.” I encourage you to also read my predictions of July 2020. And all these predictions happened.
Fortunately, the time is soon coming for India to become great again.
I feel this year from 2022-2023 is going to give India a big boost and India will do so well by way of trade, economy, travels, alliances, businesses, and great governance.
Much power and clout of the West is now going to shift to the East; India being one of them.
Narendra Modi:
As per the Indian Prime Minister’s, Narendra Modi’s, chart he is already doing very good now and his position is very strong. He began his major period of Mars from November 2021. And from April 2022 onwards, he will become Invincible. He will do great deeds for the country, make the military very strong, make huge land improvements, and make India as one of the top countries in medicines and healthcare.
His prime opponent, Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress party, stands no chance. Rahul is in the major period of Rahu and also in the 7 ½ year cycle period of Saturn. His horoscope just does not have it to make him the leader of the country. He will always be critical of the government, but never be a leader. Some of his own friends and allies are going to ditch him, and he will be left hopeless.
Predictions for Individuals
Individual Predictions:
Now the general predictions for the Individual Horoscopes based on their Moon signs which in the Hindu system it is called Rashi. These are general predictions on the basis of the Moon sign, although for a detailed and accurate reading the entire horoscope has to be read, taking into account all the planets in the birth horoscope.
Aries*: Those born under the Moon sign of Aries will start off the New Year with some challenges with their health, mental and emotional state, things to do with the house or property be it rental or ownership, and also some aggravation due to the blood relations. I would advise them to wear a moon stone for the afflicted Moon and also a hessonite (Gomedh) to counter the malefic influences of the planet Rahu. They should also be careful of accidents, injuries, and avoid any kind of altercations or fights with anyone. Their challenges will ease down after March/April. They will have some gains during these 3 to 4 months. Some may get married or find a partner soon.
Taurus*: Those born under the Moon in Taurus may get a new job or get some promotion or increment in their jobs. Some have serious problems, misunderstandings or fights with their spouse/partners. This partnership applies to both personal and business. They may experience a lot of problems at the home front, and/or face problems due to health related issues. Mental calmness and control of anger is the key to overcome this crisis. Astrologically wearing a cat’s eye stone would help diffuse the situation to some extent. As they say, “this too shall pass”, because time is everything. The question is whether YOU pass or fail during this time. The result will be according to your action and reaction.
Gemini*: Those born under Gemini will get some spiritual blessings. Some may become parents and for some their children may do well in school or move to a better school. But they may need to really focus on their health. They can be susceptible to viruses, blood pressure issues, and also should keep clear of any kind of confrontation or litigation, especially on property matters. This is not a good time to buy a property. If they do, they may get deceived or find something hidden which was not disclosed before, and may end up in some infestation problems, or problems related to water. Also be cautious of secret enemies. Need to be careful of these factors for the next 3 ½ months. After that all will be well.
Cancer*: For those born with Cancer raising, the focus will be on jobs, property, home, moving, etc. Money will not be a problem and home front will be peaceful. They should take care of their digestive system, and may have a bout of acidity or some concerns about children. Some may have to relocate, while some may be looking for new jobs. So while things are not bad for Cancer people, but nevertheless a time of lots of mental and physical activity.
Leo*: Some Leo people may find their partner or get married. Some may contract with someone as a business partner. But Leo signs should refrain from anger, or aggressive home situations, or they may get disturbed at the present home and may contemplate moving. However, for those who are single it will be a good time for romance and friendships. Marriage may be on the cards for some. And some may make plans for some overseas travel after March. Finances will be good, and they may indulge in buying some luxurious items including vehicles. But they do need to take care of their lungs/virus/allergies for the next couple of months.
Virgo*: The Virgo people may be very comfortable at home with no stress or tension about finances or home affairs. They should keep away from sibling rivalry or loud unruly neighbors. Great things await them from April. Thereafter so much of conjugal happiness awaits them. I would advise the Virgo people to wear a yellow sapphire to boost up their Jupiter.
Libra*: The Librans are going through a difficult time of a Saturn transit which is going to be stressful for them. This may go on for the entire year of 2022. Although by the grace of Jupiter they will be able to manage and balance out this period. I would advise the Librans to wear a white natural pearl set in silver. This will give them better mental strength and capacity not only in their work/business, but also be able to handle personal/family situations. However, Librans will get some kind of a spiritual blessing during this time and those who are intellectual/philosophical/spiritual will benefit by this grace.
Scorpio*: Scorpio is a sign of debilitation for Moon, and those born under this sign are likely to be mentally and emotionally agitated and disturbed. They will have health issues themselves pertaining to blood circulation and also concerns about their children. It would be advisable for them to wear a moonstone and do some prayers on Tuesdays, and be strictly vegetarian on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Again, these areas of challenges will be overcome after March/April. However they will enjoy full comforts of home and amenities.
Sagittarius*: Those born with Moon in Sagittarius are very soon going to get a real lucky break in life. Although they are in the last leg of their 7 ½ year of Saturn, they will soon see a time of happiness and contentment. Some may find their partners or get married. Within 1 year from April 2022 they are likely to acquire/own a property or gain through property. This may be at some other place other than their residence. For some their children will be settled, some may gain some inheritance, while some may go overseas. However, there may be some concerns about their mother. For Sagittarius people I would advise to wear a yellow sapphire which will help give them success, prosperity, happiness of home, and good health.
Capricorn*: Those born under Capricorn are running the peak of the 7 ½ year cycle of Saturn and their challenges will be dealing with marriage and career. Within 3-4 months or any time after that, they may move their residence and after that they may settle down with their partners. It is also possible that during this time they may acquire a property. These people should never live in a house that has the main entrance between South and West, as it will be detrimental to their peace, prosperity and happiness. Being in the peak of the 7 ½ cycle of Saturn can be a challenge, thus I would advise those born with the moon in Capricorn to wear a blue sapphire to protect against the malefic effect of the planet Saturn. Money will not be a problem though.
Aquarius*: Aquarius sign people are also going through the 7 ½ year cycle of Saturn. Times are not good for the father of people of this sign, and there could be some chaotic situations at their work place which could be due to jealousy or discrimination. They could be spending more money than they earn. However, the work situation will become okay in a matter of 3 months or so. But until then, Aquarians could suffer from mental anxiety and fear. I would advise Aquarians to wear an emerald to boost up their mental capacity and central nervous system, and also a yellow sapphire to enhance their finances. Jupiter will be their savior.
Pisces*: Pisces is one sign where everything is good for them. But yet they will be in duality about making their decisions. They will have a very comfortable job, good finances, but troublesome children or restlessness about not having children. They will also make some foreign travel and own/acquire/buy a property. It would be better for the Pisceans also to wear a yellow sapphire, even a small one, to boost up their Jupiter for better wealth, prosperity and success in life.
* Note: All these are general predictions based on each Moon sign. Every individual horoscope will be different as we have to consider all 12 zodiac signs, the placement and positions of all 9 planets, their aspects and influence on each house and other planets. It’s a bit complicated but comprehensive!
God Bless ALL!
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)
For more information on astrological gemstones, you can read here: