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>>The Next Major Planetary Shift
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– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., December 7, 2020
There are going to be two interesting planetary effects in December.
The first one will be on December 14th. This is going to be a new moon day and an annual Total Solar eclipse day.
We will have Sun, Moon, Mercury, Ketu and Venus all in the zodiac sign of Scorpio with Rahu opposite in Taurus. Jupiter and Saturn will be in Capricorn and Mars will be in Pisces.
This planetary cluster will release lots of negative energy. It will impact many countries and individuals. I will only write about the effects on America for now.
Predictions for America:

As per the American independence chart, this day will be bad for the government. There will be chaos, confusion, uncertainty, treachery and indecisiveness. People will be disoriented and the government may not be able to construct. This planetary conflict is going to be bad for Joe Biden. It may affect his mental health and also create some cardiovascular problems for him. Joe will begin the major period of Saturn from June 2022 and that will surely be bad for him. It could create an end for him.
Ironically, Donald Trump’s planets are somewhat opposite of Joe Biden’s. No wonder they are rivals! So both of them have to be really careful around December 14th. For the common people, it is advised not to look up at the Sun, not to eat leftover food from before and not to eat non- vegetarian food and avoid alcohol. They say the effect starts a couple of days before and lasts a couple of days after the events such as eclipses.
The Next Major Planetary Shift:
Now the next major planetary shift!
Jupiter and Saturn are both in Capricorn. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn while Saturn is in full strength. Pluto and Rahu both moved in September. So as long as Saturn is in full strength, evil forces will be prevalent all over the world. BUT, Jupiter will cross over the degree of Saturn on December 21st 2020 at 5 pm EST. Saturn will be 6 degrees and 21 minutes in Capricorn and Jupiter will be 6 degrees and 22 minutes. Thus the long ruling of evil shall be overcome by divine energy and there will start a time for transformation of humanity and the earth.
Some scriptures say this will end the Kaliyuga, the Dark Age. Some ancient scriptures say this is the time when the earth will be exposed to a great bright spiritual light from the cluster of stars called the Quasar. This will be the beginning of the New Age, the age of truth, righteousness, love, peace and brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God. Indeed, this is long awaited!
Although I don’t feel that magic is going to happen on December 21st itself, not is there going to be an overnight transformation. I feel there will be a shift of cosmic energies and God will now intervene to set humanity right. This may take a couple of years but then the next thousand years after that is said to be the golden age.
Since Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, I would recommend people to wear a Yellow Sapphire to boost up their Jupiter energy and pray on Saturdays to diffuse the Saturn Energy. I would also tell people to become vegetarian. If not on all days, at least on Saturday to propitiate Saturn. Mars is another volatile planet and being vegetarian on Tuesdays will also help greatly.
Jupiter will enter the Zodiac sign of Pisces sometime mid April 2022. I feel that’s the time the Earth cycle will be completed and the divine energy of God will show up.
Only one Race –The Race of Humanity
Only one Religion – The Religion of Love
Only one God – The Omnipresent one
Those who wish to know in detail how their personal life would be affected can contact our center for personal consultations.
May God bless the World.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)
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