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World Predictions for Year 2020 & Corona Virus pandemic (PDF, PDF-latest)
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>>Words of Wisdom
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– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., March 18, 2020
Dear Friends,
My newsletter/predictions have been long overdue and finally here it is.
Present situation & the Corona Virus Pandemic:
In my newsletter dated September 15th 2019, I had written about a very difficult time coming for the world. I had also written about a new kind of virus that would affect the whole world and that many people would get affected. I had predicted that some virus would create an allergy that would impact the blood stream, lungs, heart and kidneys. The travel industry would be hit hard, and there would be an economic crisis and recession. The world is literally at war with fighting Corona Virus pandemic (COVID-19 pandemic).
All of the above have already happened. http://www.ishwarcenter.org/newsletters/2019/2019-09-15-dr-rakesh-kumar-predictions-aggressive-days-ahead.html
This dangerous planetary situation will start to change from March 23rd. Then from March 30th, things will start coming in control and there will be treatment/healing/recovery.
So I don’t see this Corona virus spreading too much after this. From March 30th, there will be fight back time and there will be divine help as well. Altogether, this will go away from September this year.
So don’t panic. Help and recovery is around the corner. Just 2 weeks more!
I wish people resorted to Ayurveda for natural herbs that keep your immune system strong and some herbs that have anti-viral properties. I would advise people to give up eating animal food and stick to healthy vegetarian foods only. Nature has everything that man needs. There are some herbs like Neem, Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Haldi, Anantamool, Pipplamool, Amla etc that have immense benefits. A proper ratio in combination would keep one healthy, strong and make the body immune to diseases.
Everyone is desperately asking me “What’s going to happen in 2020”?
I had already written in my previous predictions that the year 2020 will bring many changes and challenges to mankind. Much of it has already happened since Jan 2020.
The question is – What now?
I would say that the time has come for us to do an introspection about our life and its purpose. This is a time that would involve some “Clean up” operations. This is both for countries and for individuals.
Countries and individual that have the Moon sign of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra would be going through some major transitions. This is as per their karma and destiny.
This would also be a time for spiritual transformations and changes in careers and lifestyles. Every individual horoscope would experience different things in different areas of their lives. This is a time of Good over Evil. Get ready folks!
Saturn moves into Capricorn on January 24th 2020. This will be the major planetary change. Mars moves into Sagittarius in January 2020 until March 2020. Then Mars moves into Capricorn. April 2nd Jupiter will also move into Capricorn.
Predictions for America:

As per America’s chart, the major period of Rahu is in operation and the country is in the seven and a half year cycle of Saturn. I had already predicted that the country will go through a financial crisis. It will take the country 1 year exactly, to get back on track. After March 2021, there will be a new America. Happy and prosperous!
Donald Trump:
The President is also going through a difficult time with his personal life and position. However, his planets will become positive from beginning of April this year. I feel his position will become strong as President.
Bernie Sanders:
I had written a couple of times earlier that Bernie Sanders will never become President. He may be in limelight but his planets do not indicate that he will become leader of the country. He may become mentally stressed or impaired and should take care of his health.
I had written in my earlier predictions that he may get a heart attack and he did.
Joe Biden:
Joe so far is the most challenging person for Donald Trump. Joe has some very powerful planets but he must control his anger. He may be susceptible to high blood pressure. Joe can be a good advisor but will have conflicting leadership qualities. His Saturn is in a bad transit now which may cause him to derail and cause other obstacles. His chances don’t look good to become President.
Michael Bloomberg
Michael Bloomberg already withdrew his candidature for the run for President. Like I predicted before, he could be a good adversary for Donald Trump but his health will give way and he may not be up to it. So it happened.
Predictions for India:

I had predicted earlier that India would go through a very challenging time. You must have read about the riots and violence that happened in India. For India too, the major challenges will be overcome after 30th March. The country will take a holistic and wise approach and will be back on the road to progress. There would be some very strong action between end of March and end of April. India will become strong and ready to deal with any crisis.
Narendra Modi – Prime Minister of India:
The Indian Prime Minister has finished his seven and a half year cycle of Saturn and the planets are going to be kind to him now. His challenges from opponents are over and he will gain more power and popularity. He will continue to rule the country well.
Now for individual horoscopes for rest of 2019:
Now I will tell you briefly about all 12 Zodiac signs and what you should expect in 2020. These readings are from the Moon signs and not the western sun signs.
Aries moon signs should expect some major career moves. All for good. Get ready to relocate and take up new jobs from April 2020!
Hey you girls, wear a pearl. Hey you guys, don’t ask why! You will be happy and content!
Taurus moon people will have the opportunity to travel far and wide. They may also visit some holy places and get involved in some spiritual practices. Some may end up gaining through properties or buying properties. Good for them.
These dual signs may have to take care of their health and guard against accidents etc. They too will have the chance of foreign travel and will be generally prosperous. But both Jupiter and Saturn together in the 8th house is not good. So wear a small Blue Sapphire and a small Yellow Sapphire. These will protect you.
Cancer moon signs may have some challenges with their partnerships/spouses/marriages. Some may get married. Some may get harried! But career opportunities will be great. Some may have to travel due to business or job. Overall, a progressive year. They should wear a Yellow Sapphire and a Red Coral for best benefits.
Those born under moon in Leo will have very good business opportunities and do very well financially. They will buy properties, gold and live in luxury. Those in jobs will get promotions, high ranks, increment in salary and perks! Those with children may encounter some challenges with their children.
The Virgo moon signs will have a very active time. Those in medical or health professions and administrative or management levels will prosper. Personal life could be disrupted due to busy work schedules and pressure. But then you can’t get everything in life at once can you? Wearing a Yellow Sapphire to strengthen your Jupiter would be the best thing to do.
Libra signs will have to go through a hectic and challenging time. Mind you, this does not mean bad. Just challenging. And don’t the Libra signs love challenges! They are very versatile and very capable of handling all kinds of challenges. Librans should wear a Pearl and a Blue Sapphire. These two gems will help them navigate through this period.
Scorpio moon signs will get a huge relief as their seven and a half year cycle is finally over. 3rd week of April can bring some travels overseas. Their siblings may face some challenges. Their job/business prospects look very strong. Should watch for health issues like blood pressure, liver and bile/acidity problems. Wearing a Pearl would be beneficial.
Sagittarius moons have just entered in the last 2 and a half year cycle of Saturn on Jan 24th 2020. This could bring some health and financial challenges. They could experience some problems in their mouth/teeth/throat areas and also some kidney issues. Would recommend they wear a Yellow Sapphire.
Capricornians are in the peak of the seven and a half year period of Saturn. Expect changes and challenges in your work front. There could be some issues about property with siblings or blood relations. I would suggest that they wear a Blue Sapphire to counter the malefic effects of Saturn and from August/September also wear a Hessonite for Rahu.
Aquarians have begun their Saturn cycle and there may be unexpected changes coming in their lives. Some will go abroad but will be stressed out. Some may become depressed and isolate themselves while some will seek holistic and spiritual help. But these transitions will be for short periods. I would advise them to wear a Yellow Sapphire to make their Jupiter strong. This can really help them.
The Pisces moon signs will have a very positive year. Money, property, luxuries will all be at your disposal. Be attentive to your children and don’t forget God! Wearing an Emerald would enhance communications and better relationships/partnerships.
* The above are all general predictions based on your Moon signs only. The complete and exact reading can only be done from your individual horoscope.
Words of Wisdom:
Don’t live in fear, live in faith.
Don’t panic, just prepare.
This crisis too shall pass.
Let’s all connect to God again, to intervene to help us and protect humanity.
Samastha Loka Sukhinu Bhavantu
Om Shaanthi, Shaanthi, Shaanthi
“Let the entire world be happy”
Let there be Peace, Peace, Peace.
God Bless ALL!
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)
For more information on astrological gemstones, you can read here: