>> By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, (Ph.D.)
>> Summary of major Predictions & Fulfillments
>> Archives of Predictions/ Newsletters
Predictions for 2020, Before & After - The Change of Time (PDF)
>>World Predictions
>>Previous predictions & fulfillment - World
>>Predictions for America
>>Predictions for India
>>CONCLUSION - The change of Time
>>Predictions for Individuals
>>Message for All
– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., August 17, 2019
Dear Friends,
My newsletter/predictions have been long overdue and finally here it is.
World Predictions:
As of today, Moon is in Aquarius, Sun, Mars and Venus in Leo, Jupiter in Scorpio, Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius, Mercury in Cancer and Rahu in Gemini. Things will be good for many people and many countries including America. But mid September onward, things change. The planets will move into very unfavorable positions and will create many challenges for many people and for America.
Around September 28th, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars and Moon will all be in Virgo and there will be a strong Saturn impact on all these planets. This could bring some dangers to people as sudden accidents, serious health conditions and financial troubles. Many may lose their jobs and America will suffer some financial crisis. The automobile industry and some travel related companies will be affected. People are advised to take caution and not to travel during this period until mid October.
The next most difficult time comes on December 25th 2019. Christmas day!
We will have Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Mercury, Ketu and Sun all in Sagittarius and Rahu opposite in Gemini. Mars will be in Libra and Venus in Capricorn. This planetary cluster will affect many people and countries and also America. This can be very good for some people and very bad for some people, depending on their horoscopes. This also creates a cosmic energy for some changes to come.
Now comes 2020.
Saturn moves into Capricorn on January 24th 2020. This will be the major planetary change. Mars moves into Sagittarius in January 2020 until March 2020. Then Mars moves into Capricorn. April 2nd Jupiter will also move into Capricorn.
But in January 2020 Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu all will be in conjunction in Sagittarius and Moon and Rahu in conjunction opposite in Gemini. January 9th and 10th will be a very critical and dangerous situation. This will create a very powerful planetary conflict which could affect the whole world. This will affect America for sure and may create a war like situation. But Saturn will move into Capricorn later on January 24th 2020. Thus we are looking at a very dangerous time beginning January 2020. This can be a period of a ‘wipe-out’ of some countries, great storms and disasters, earthquakes, wars etc.
Previous predictions & fulfillment - World:
“Around mid June, many planets will cluster in conjunction and opposition and create very disturbing cosmic energies which will affect the world. There could be big storms, earthquakes and wars or disasters around different parts of the world.” - Posted April 29th 2019 on Google posts.
I had already written in my previous newsletter that the times are not good and that there could be floods, natural disasters and calamities and all these already happened in India and continues to happen. Half of India is raging with massive floods due to heavy rains, overflowing rivers which have submerged many parts on India in deep waters. There have been huge floods in Pakistan and China also. Volcanoes have erupted in some parts of the world and there have been some earthquakes around.
Predictions for America:

For Donald Trump the time is good so far. His position will be strong and with the elections coming in November 2020, his chances of being re-elected are pretty good compared to his prime opponents Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and a couple of others.
I had already written earlier before the last elections that neither Bernie Sanders nor Hillary Clinton will win to become president. Joe Biden's time will be good until Nov 4th 2019, after that his luck would run out. Which means he will not be able to win. Unless some other candidate comes forth whose planets are more powerful than Trump’s, it looks like triumph for Trump.
December 2019 will be a time to watch out for . This time could create some powerful cosmic energies to disrupt America.
Predictions for India:

The months of December 2019 and January 2020 are going to be crucial. There could be some great dangers awaiting some parts of the world, India and America being one of them. These kinds of planetary configurations can create very dark energies which can cause mass destruction due to wars or natural calamities.
The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s challenging times are literally over and from September 2019 he will do much better. The year 2020 will be a very strong year for him. He will finish his 7 ½ year cycle of Saturn for good and from April 2nd 2020 he will begin a new era for India. He has been blessed by Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and therefore no one can cause him any challenges. He will take India into the new age successfully.
Earlier I had written that Rahul Ghandi's political career would end. In my Dec 2018 newsletter I had said that "...does not look like he can become the prime minister..." and in my Dec 2017 newsletter I had said that "his horoscope does not show that he would last long in his newly elected position [Cogress party president]". Although many believed that Rahul Ghandi would become the next prime minister of India, Congress lost the 2019 elections and on July 3, 2019 Rahul Ghandi indeed resigned as India's Congress party president.
CONCLUSION - The change of Time:
To sum it up, the coming times are going to change many things in the world. That new age awaited by many is around the corner. Jan 2020 to April 2020 will be a turbulent time for the world. It will be, as they say, the turn of time. From April 2020, a new establishment of the world order would begin. The hand of God and His presence will be seen as humanity will see the end of the Dark Age and beginning of the New Age. The age of truth will start to unfold by divine guidance.
Let us all pray so that the transition leads us into light, peace and harmony.
Now for individual horoscopes for rest of 2019:
Now I will tell you briefly about all 12 Zodiac signs and what you should expect in 2019. These readings are from the Moon signs and not the western sun signs.
Those born under Moon in Aries will have it good in August this year. By end of September they should take care of their health and be careful while driving or travels for until mid October. They will have some celebrations in friends and family, someone getting married or someone blessed with children.
Taurus Moons signs will also have a good period in August and September. Many will find their life partners, businesses will do good and some will go on holidays, socialize and get some luxurious items for their homes.
Those born with Moon in Gemini are under the influence of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and are likely to be mentally and emotionally stressed. They may face some challenges in their personal lives, marriage/partnerships or relationships. Their next change or relief will come from November 5th onward. Gemini people are advised to wear a small Blue Sapphire to counter the malefic effects of Saturn.
Cancer Moon signs may have to travel or relocate. Some may change their jobs while some may lose jobs. They could be financially challenged and some may face immigration or residence problems. Some move or changes will happen from end of September until mid October. Cancer people should wear a natural White Pearl and a White Opal both set in silver.
The Leo signs will have to face challenges in their marriage/relationships or partnerships. This relates to business partnerships also. Some may face separations or divorces. Money, job etc will not be a problem but personal life will be a big stress. They are advised to wear a small Blue Sapphire and a Cats eye to protect their personal lives from problems.
The Virgo Moon signs are facing a transit which is unfavorable. Specially the 3rd week of September until mid October. This transit could cause some calamities in their lives or some unwanted challenges which they would get shaken up by. I would advise them to be calm and collected during this period and should not take any drastic steps. Endure with tolerance, experience with calmness and let this time pass. By exercising wisdom one can overcome such times. Virgo signs would benefit if they wore a Yellow Sapphire to empower their Jupiter. Pray on Saturdays and be vegetarian on Saturdays.
Oh ye Libra people, the time has come to get seriously focused on your challenges in life. This month of September will grind your mind and tense your sense and drain your wealth. Some may travel overseas while some may face health issues. All the “M” related problems will pursue you. Mother, Money, Medical and Mental!
Scorpio Moon signs will also be under mental and emotional stress. Scorpios will neither sing nor sting. As long as Saturn is in Sagittarius, they will be in the last phase of the 7 ½ year cycle of Saturn and this period of mid September to mid October is going to be trying for them. I would advise them to wear a white natural Pearl set in silver and also to pray on Saturdays and be vegetarian.
Those whom have Moon in Sagittarius are in the peak of the 7 ½ year cycle of the Moon and they are likely to have stress and strain in their personal life as well as career. This is good even for those who have Sagittarius rising. They should be vigilant at work and not get worked up at home front. Remember – The wife is always right! They could have rumbling and tumbling at the work area. For some there may be some shifts or moves, some may lose their jobs. Those in business will end up in a challenging time until mid October. After that the storm will subside. Around end of December they will get new opportunities. Good ones!
Capricorn Moons should be ready for some travels, relocations, work related overseas connections, some twists and turns in their relationships and changes.
These may be good or bad depending on the individual horoscopes. December may become even more challenging, therefore they should also wear a Blue Sapphire so that this Saturn does not give them a hard time.
Those born with Moon in Aquarius are likely to be mentally stressed as their life situations will become so unsure. Their Moon is under the influence of Rahu and Saturn both. By end of September their situation may become really bad but Nov/December onward they will bounce back and get on track again.
The Pisces Moon signs are going to have a very eventful September. This will be a time for establishing relationships or breaking them. Some will have changes in their career while some may encounter some health issues. December will be a very positively powerful time for them and they could become super successful in their careers and status. Because their Moon will be mingling with other planets, it would be good if the Pisces people wore a big white natural pearl set in silver. They could also wear a Yellow Sapphire and Emerald to enhance their careers.
Please remember that all these predictions are based on the Moon sign only. To get a proper and detailed reading, one has to see the complete horoscope, all 9 planets, 27 constellations, the transits, major and sub ruling periods of the planets, the strength of the planets, benefic and malefic planets, their placements, aspects etc.
For more information on astrological gemstones, you can read here:
*These predictions are general based on the Moon signs. The exact effects can only be determined by accurately studying one’s individual horoscope in details. All 9 planets, the constellations, the major periods, sub periods and transits of planets, position of planets, their strengths and weaknesses, the significators and many such things have to be studied for a complete reading.
I would like to write about the Saturday prayers. One should do prayers every Saturday morning, after bath or washing up before eating anything. Each one must follow their own faith, as God only understands the language of the heart. So from the deepest of your hearts, pray to God to protect you from the negative energy of the planet Saturn and as a resolve, for balancing of karma, you should be strictly vegetarian every Saturday. As per the Hindu calendar, the day starts from sunrise and ends on the sunrise the nest day. You may have milk, cheese or butter. But should not have eggs, fish, chicken or meat and no alcohol. This is a spiritual remedy to balance bad karma.
Just one word of wisdom before I close,
Live in faith, not in fear. Always follow the righteous path and have faith in God and confidence in yourself. No faith, no fate. God gave us a mind, senses, intelligence, the power of discrimination and a conscience. Try to put your mind above the senses, and let your conscience prevail over mind. When conscience aligns with consciousness, then God becomes the protector and divine grace helps us deal with everything in life.
May God bless you all, and may He bring peace, harmony and happiness in the world. All of you are recipients of God’s love.
God Bless ALL!
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)