>> By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, (Ph.D.)
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Predictions for the New Year 2019 - December 30th 2018 (PDF)
>>The Planets
>>Predictions for America
>>Predictions for India
>>Predictions for the World
>>Predictions for Individuals
>>Message for All
– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., December 30th 2018
Dear Friends,
The Planets:

It’s the beginning of the New Year 2019 and many are looking forward to what this year might bring. For themselves, for their country and for the world.
On January 1st 2019, at Sunrise, at 7 am, New York, the planets are as follows:
The sign Sagittarius will be rising with Sun, Saturn and Mercury in rising sign.
Mars will be in the 4th house in Pisces.
Rahu will be in 8th house in Cancer.
Moon and Venus will be in Libra in the 11th house.
Jupiter will be in the 12th house in Scorpio.
The major period of Jupiter will be in operation and the sub period of Mercury in running. Both these planets are positive and good for Sagittarius sign.
These planetary positions auger well for many people and many countries.
This shows good financial progress, good governmental positions and good businesses. The businesses that will do well are trade and commerce, travels, automobile industries, banks, medical professions or pharmacies, land and property related businesses, and holistic and spiritual relating organizations. The IT sector will gain a sudden boost from March 21st on wards. Basically, money will flow.
Predictions for America:

First let’s see how these planets affect America.
America as a country will do good, but Americans will be generally bogged down by health and personal life challenges. People could be mentally stressed and depressed and their personal life will be uncertain. Some may relocate and some may face health related challenges.
Donald Trump was born on a full Moon day. His planets show that the year 2019 is going to be good for him. He is in the major period of Jupiter and his Moon, Sun, Venus and Saturn has benefic rays of the planet Jupiter. So he will be doing good.
Predictions for India:

India’s planets show that 2019 will be a year of much overseas trade and foreign connections. Many countries will be favoring India and invest in India. The automobile industries, the shipping, the Indian Navy are all going to expand.
However the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s planets are not too favorable for him. He will continue to face brickbats, his integrity will be questioned and his position will be challenged. There will be accusations against him and he may develop heart problems.
Rahul Gandhi, the leader of opposition is going through the 7 ½ year cycle of Saturn. His major period of Mars will get over on April 15th 2019 and then he will begin the major period of Rahu. This does not look like he can become the prime minister. (Given that his birth information is actual)
Predictions for the World:
Overall, the world situation is looking okay, barring some perpetual troubled countries which are indulging in wars. The time for major changes for the world will be coming from January 2020, but I will write about that next year.
Predictions for Individuals:
Now I will tell you briefly about all 12 Zodiac signs and what you should expect in 2019. These readings are from the Moon signs and not the western sun signs.
Those born under Moon sign of Aries will have a prosperous time. Some may get into relationships, some may get married. They will do good financially and will also be traveling overseas during this year.
Taurus Moon signs may have to go through job challenges and changes subsequently. They may encounter some financial challenges, therefore should be prudent in spending money. They should save. However personal life and relationships, matters relating to house/property etc look good. Taurus people are going through a period called astham Shani. It would be better if they wore a Blue Sapphire to protect them against unforeseen challenges.
Gemini Moon signs may face difficulties in their personal life/marriage/relationships. There will be conflicts between partners which could result in disagreements and separations. This may continue until November 2019. They are advised to wear a Yellow Sapphire for strengthening their partnerships and career prospects.
Cancer Moon people may also have problems in their personal lives and also health related issues. Their misunderstandings will be cleared from March onwards. Their career looks very good and will not have financial hurdles.
Leo signs will do well financially. Some may buy property also. But relationships may become cold. The missing element will be passion. It would be good if they wore a Moonstone to calm their minds.
Virgo signs may need to focus of their children. They may also experience problems with their digestive systems. Some may experience pressure on the chest area. Virgo Moon signs are going through a period of ardh asthma Shani, which is effect of transit Saturn influencing the birth Moon. This can be a very frustrating transit which can bring stress, depression and restlessness. Therefore for Virgo Signs, I would recommend wearing a Blue Sapphire and a White Natural Pearl set in silver.
For those born with Moon in Libra, the time is generally good for work/business. Their concerns may be some health issues relating to stomach, some concerns about children or some concerns about home. Finances and relationships look good.
Scorpio Moon signs are in the last leg of the 7 ½ year cycle of Saturn. Their concerns may be about money and mother or home situations. Their children will do well this year and those who are looking forward to addition to the family may conceive and have children. They should watch out for lung/chest area related matters. They may have some problems in the respiratory tract. It would be advisable for them to wear a Hessonite set in silver.
Those born under this Moon sign should be doing good all around. Financials look pretty good, career looks strong. But they should try to relax their attitude or may end up with disputes with their spouses and colleagues. They may tend to be controlling, which may create problems. It would be better if they wore an Emerald. This will help better communications with family and work colleagues.
Capricorn signs have began their 7 ½ year cycle since October 2017 and have a long way to go. Saturn is a hard taskmaster and will give you a hard time to humble you, tame you and train you. Finances could be stressful, expenses may crop up and some may need to attend to their ailing fathers. Luck seems to run dry on them. Therefore is strongly recommended for the Capricornians to wear a Blue Sapphire to counter the malefic effects of Saturn.
Aquarians will generally do very well this year. Be it work, promotions, holidays, travels, or acquiring properties, or benefitting from them. They will be successful. In spite of all these accomplishments, they will have some mental stress and pressures. This will be there until January 2020. They would benefit by wearing a Moonstone set in silver. This will give them a healing to the mind.
Pisces Moon signs will have an inclination towards spirituality. Some may even visit holy lands and pilgrimages. Some may leave their jobs while some may have to look for changes. They may have to work long hours or stay away from home most of the time. This means longer travel time, or longer working hours which is going to be pretty frustrating and stressful. Rahu and Ketu will move in March and will add to the tensions. Ketu will be in conjunction with Saturn. Therefore Pisces Moon signs should wear a Cat’s eye and an Emerald.
Please remember that all these predictions are based on the Moon sign only. To get a proper and detailed reading, one has to see the complete horoscope, all 9 planets, 27 constellations, the transits, major and sub ruling periods of the planets, the strength of the planets, benefic and malefic planets, their placements, aspects etc.
For more information on astrological gemstones, you can read here:
*These predictions are general based on the Moon signs. The exact effects can only be determined by accurately studying one’s individual horoscope in details. All 9 planets, the constellations, the major periods, sub periods and transits of planets, position of planets, their strengths and weaknesses, the significators and many such things have to be studied for a complete reading.
I would like to write about the Saturday prayers. One should do prayers every Saturday morning, after bath or washing up before eating anything. Each one must follow their own faith, as God only understands the language of the heart. So from the deepest of your hearts, pray to God to protect you from the negative energy of the planet Saturn and as a resolve, for balancing of karma, you should be strictly vegetarian every Saturday. As per the Hindu calendar, the day starts from sunrise and ends on the sunrise the nest day. You may have milk, cheese or butter. But should not have eggs, fish, chicken or meat and no alcohol. This is a spiritual remedy to balance bad karma.
Just one word of wisdom before I close,
Live in faith, not in fear. Always follow the righteous path and have faith in God and confidence in yourself. No faith, no fate. God gave us a mind, senses, intelligence, the power of discrimination and a conscience. Try to put your mind above the senses, and let your conscience prevail over mind. When conscience aligns with consciousness, then God becomes the protector and divine grace helps us deal with everything in life.
May God bless you all, and may He bring peace, harmony and happiness in the world. All of you are recipients of God’s love.
God Bless ALL!
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)