>> By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, (Ph.D.)
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World Predictions - November 5th 2016 (PDF)
>>The Planets
>>US Presidential Candidates - Their birth times & planetary influences on Election Day
>>Previous Predictions - FULFILLED
>>A Few Words of Wisdom
– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., October 10th 2016
Dear Friends,
The Planets & their Impact:

The US elections are just 3 days away, on November 8th, Tuesday.
The planets are not in a good harmony. On November 8th, at about 9 am, the sign Scorpio will be rising with Saturn in it. Venus will be in Sagittarius, Mars in Capricorn, Moon with Ketu in Aquarius in 4th house. Then half the zodiac is empty! Opposite the 4th house in the 10th house there is Rahu. Jupiter is in Virgo in 11th house and Sun and Mercury in the 12th house in Libra.
First of all there is this kaalsarpa yoga where all the planets are between Rahu and Ketu, the karmic controlling planets. These are also planets that cause eclipses and have dark hidden dangers. Sun is in debilitation in Libra. Mars is too strong in Capricorn and has exchanged places with Saturn. Moon just moves into Aquarius with Rahu at about 06:30 am, as if indicating some bad omen. Mercury will move into Scorpio with Saturn at about 7 pm the same day.
I see bad times for Hillary and Bill Clinton. Even if she is elected President by hook or by crook, I assure you that she will not last even half a year. Even that is too much. Many of her dark secrets will be out. I wrote earlier a couple of times that she is mentally affected and has Saturnian and Mars tendency. Very dangerous. Very soon she will lose her state of mind and can become either mentally unstable or sick or become very volatile, vindictive and dangerous.
US Presidential Candidates:
Hillary Clinton’s time of birth:
There are ambiguities about her time of birth.
“At a political event in Concord, N.H., in the 1980s, New Hampshire astrologer Celeste Longacre said she approached Mrs. Clinton, who told her she was born at 8 p.m.”
Somewhere I read her birth time as 08:10 am.
“New York astrologer Arlene Nimark got a different answer in 2003 at a Manhattan Barnes & Noble where the former first lady was signing her book “Living History.”
When Ms. Nimark asked Mrs. Clinton for her birth time, she said it was 8 a.m.”
Hillary’s Moon changes from Aquarius to Pisces at 08:33 am.
Donald Trup’s time of birth:
Donald Trump’s time of birth is said to be 10:54 am. But at 1:46 pm, his Moon changes from Scorpio to Sagittarius, and his Sun changes at 2:25 pm from Taurus to Gemini.
On the day of election, Hillary is surely going to be mentally affected by great fear, uncertainty and her mind will be fogged. She will have to take medications.
Donald Trump may still pull it off. After January 20th, he will become even stronger.
In Conclusion:
The way the planets are placed on November 8th, it does not good for anyone. I still feel only after the 3rd week of January, things will settle down.
I still feel that America is going to have a downfall. There will be dangers from terrorists, danger of wars and economic collapse. Only after September 2017, will there be some good recovery and reestablishment of the country. The 7 months from January to September 2017 will be crucial. Hillary will surely not survive this period. Let us pray that all goes well and nothing bad happens.
Please see the below two links to read my previous predictions on the US Presidential Candidates and the Elections.
October, 2016 Newsletter Predictions
June 17, 2016 Newsletter Predictions
God bless America
God bless the World
God bless Humanity.
Please read below some interesting facts and also my earlier predictions which proved to be true
Predictions Fulfilled – Dr Rakesh Kumar’s predictions on July 17th 2016
- Massive floods in China kill more than 154. More than 300,000 left homeless – July 23rd 2016 https://www.yahoo.com/news/fresh-floods-kill-least-25-across-china-scores-060322832.htmlhttps://www.yahoo.com/news/heavy-rain-china-kills-least-24-millions-evacuated-044615307.html
- Scores dead, millions dislodged due to massive floods – July 28th 2016. Prediction on July 17th 2016 http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/scores-dead-millions-affected-floods-hit-india-160730170119153.html
- Floods and lightening kill more than 74 people. 2.7 million Affected – August 1st 2016. Prediction made on July 17th 2016
- July 17th 2016 Dr Kumar said about India that “Boats will run over land” http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/No-rain-mercy-Floods-lightning-claim-74-lives/articleshow/53482107.cms
- July 17th 2017 Predictions - “Boats will run on roads”
- Floods kill 133 or more, more than 395 missing in North Korea flood – Sept 12th 2016 https://www.yahoo.com/news/n-korea-flood-death-toll-rises-133-395-044713386.html
- Terrorists attack Northern India – 17 Indian soldiers dead many injured. Prediction July 17th about India. http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/18/asia/india-kashmir-attack/
- Most powerful storm hits Caribbean, kills 336, millions evacuated – October 6th 2016. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/a636869c-9cbf-3ab2-8aab-5397bb3cb9d1/ss_most-powerful-storm-in-a.html
- Most of North Carolina devastated in floods – October 10th 2016 https://www.yahoo.com/news/much-north-carolina-under-water-034343425.html
- US army general states war with Russia imminent in early 2017 – August 1st 2016 news http://www.newsweek.com/russia-nuclear-war-nato-richard-shirreff-485818
Predictions Fulfilled – Dr Rakesh Kumar’s predictions on October 10th 2016
- Serious war escalation in Syria and Mosul - October 2016 news
- Serious war situation between India and Pakistan in Kashmir border - October 2016 news
Dr Kumar had earlier stated: "Countries or States with names starting from the sound of Sa, like Syria, Ma, like Missouri, Pa like Pakistan, Ba like Baghdad and Da like DC should be very vigilant.
- Russian TV warns everyone of a nuclear war with America – October 13th 2016. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/russian-television-warns-nuclear-war-amid-us-tensions-140903952--abc-news-topstories.html
- Germany warns of war between Russia and America – Oct 25th 2016 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-friedman/germany-warns-of-the-dang_b_12565994.html
- Russia preparing for nuclear war – Oct 25th 2016 https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/a8480714-dbc3-363f-b2ea-a444fd735680/ss_russia-is-preparing-for.html
- Al-Qaeda plans attacks on US cities the day before election voting, New York, Texas, Virginia – Nov 4th 2016
- https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/4236afc8-e0fc-3913-9fc9-5ff67a1229a1/al-qaeda-plans-attacks-on-us.html
- http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/al-qaeda-plans-attacks-us-cities-day-before-election-voting-1589939?utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=rss&utm_content=/rss/yahoous&yptr=yahoo
- San Diego Catholic church says devil works through Hillary Clinton - Predictions made on October 10th 2016 https://www.yahoo.com/news/san-diego-catholic-church-says-devil-works-hillary-174950179.html
And more to read if interested:
- Wiki Leaks: Clintons Sell Political Favors to Clinton Foundation Donors - Nov 3rd 2016
- https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/618a397b-da3a-3d73-82b2-b62095883c18/wikileaks%3A-clintons-sell.html
- http://observer.com/2016/11/wikileaks-clintons-sell-political-favors-to-clinton-foundation-donors/
- Constitutional Crisis If Hillary Elected – Nov 3rd 2016
- http://www.newsmax.com/PatrickBuchanan/bret-baier-email-impeachment-server/2016/11/04/id/757005/
- IT’S OVER: Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked & It’s worse than anyone could have imagined… http://www.usasupreme.com/hillarys-isis-email-just-leaked-worse-anyone-imagined/
- WIKILEAK EMAIL FOUND SHOWING SECRET MEMO TO OBAMA FROM ISIS (In "war crimes") https://friendsofsyria.wordpress.com/2016/09/05/wikileak-email-found-showing-secret-memo-to-obama-from-isis/
Hillary Clinton Confirms Saudi Arabia and Qatar Are Actively Funding ISIS (In "war crimes")
- BREAKING: Wiki Leak Email Found Showing Secret Memo to Obama from ISIS (In "war crimes") https://friendsofsyria.wordpress.com/2016/08/26/breaking-wiki-leak-email-found-showing-secret-memo-to-obama-from-isis/
A few Words of Widsom:
I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I don’t believe in politics. I believe in policies. Policies so that the world can be at peace and there could be progress in the country.
No country in the world can afford a war. Especially the nuclear powered countries. Therefore only wisdom, patience, perseverance and righteousness can save the world.
We are at a time when the world is tearing apart due to terrorism, wars and natural disasters. The end of the age is already here. Lets pray to God to intervene so as to save humanity and mankind. When the world is on the brink of destruction, HE will come and with a mere wave of His hand, all evils and wars will stop and the new age will begin. The age of peace, love, harmony and divinity. All creations will then live in peace. HE will come to establish Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence.
God Bless ALL!
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)