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Predictions for Year 2015 (PDF)
>>The Planets
>>Predictions for India
>>Predictions for the USA
>>The Switch of Time and Age
>>Predictions for Individuals
– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., January 6th 2015
Dear friends,
The New Year has begun and it’s time to write about some predictions.
The Planets:

We start off with the planets placed as follows on January 1st 2015
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Aries, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus and Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Libra, Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces.
Very soon, by the middle of January, planets will change their signs. We will have Sun, Mercury and Venus in Capricorn with Jupiter opposite in Cancer. Saturn remains in Scorpio. Mars moved to Aquarius on Jan 4th.
Predictions for India:

This period is going to be critical for India and the neighboring countries. There could be very difficult situations for the country, which could lead to war and destruction. There may be accidents, floods and vehicular disasters. The Air Force and the Navy will be on the move. There will be a Red alert in India.
This period is going to be critical for India and the neighboring countries. There could be very difficult situations for the country, which could lead to war and destruction. There may be accidents, floods and vehicular disasters. The Air Force and the Navy will be on the move. There will be a Red alert in India.
Predictions for the USA:

America will continue to do good economically and see even better days after June this year. President Barack Obama should be very cautious as this month is not so good for him. There could be dangers of accidents or injury to him. His personal life is also going to be rough and he will have to exercise great patience and tolerance.
The Switch of Time and Age:
The total Solar Eclipse on March 20th will be the switch of time and age!

I had written in my previous newsletters that the time has come for the new age and that the world will see many changes now. I had also said that God will show His presence now and there will be supernatural phenomena on earth. This was supposed to happen in November, but is yet awaited. There can be two reasons for the delay.
1. There has been this error in time since over 2000 years now. The actual dates, months and times are different from the English calendar dates. No, I am not talking about the Lunar calendar or the Lunar months. What I am saying is that even the paces of movements of some major planets have changed and the whole equation of time is not the same anymore.
2. God Himself is taking His time, for the right time. I believe that God has averted some destined huge disasters on Earth earlier and gave us all a grace period to redeem our karmas and generate spiritual energies to nullify the negative and destructive energies that could have otherwise destroyed the Earth.
Predictions for Individuals:

ARIES: Those who are born under the Moon sign of Aries as per the Hindu Ephemeris should expect some really good changes in their lives, both on home front and in their careers. The chances of doing better in business or promotions, increments are to be expected. Some may have to change their jobs, but will be for a good reason.
TAURUS: Those born with Moon in Taurus may expect some travels and fortunes away from home. They may have to be away from family. Those who are single may meet someone soon. Those in business will do well. Some may buy house or property. For some, there may be some danger to father. There could be a pilgrimage soon!
GEMINI: Those who have Moon in Gemini will also have some betterment in their jobs and increment in salary. They should watch out for their health issues that may trouble them. Watch out for lower abdomen area, acidity and excretory system.
CANCER: Cancer Moon signs may face some difficulties in their personal lives, whether it is relationships or marriage. There may be tiffs and differences between partners. Some partners may break their relationships. Alternatively, some partners may have to travel or go away from home due to work or business. They are advised to wear an Amethyst and pray on Saturdays.
LEO: Leo signs are in a Saturn transit called Ardh Astham Shani, which can cause situations like accidents, ill health or litigations. They may have to go through mental and emotional stress. They are advised to wear a Moonstone and pray on Saturdays.
VIRGO: Virgo Moon signs have finished their seven and a half year cycle of Saturn called Shani Sade Sati and they can look forward to better and happier days. They will do better in their personal lives and career as well. Some may get married or find partners and some may have children within this year. However, women should take care of their reproductive system and pay attention to their children as there may be some concern about children. You may experience stomach and digestive problems. The best gemstones to wear would be Emerald and Amethyst in silver.
LIBRA: Those who are born with Moon in Libra are in their last leg of the seven and half year cycle of Saturn. They should take care of matters of home and their mothers. Some, may move home and they should do better in their business or work. I would advise them too, to continue their prayers on Saturdays and be strictly vegetarian on Saturdays. It is also advised to wear a Blue Sapphire on the right hand middle finger.
SCORPIO: Scorpio Moon signs are bang in the middle of their seven and a half year cycle of Saturn and should surely pray on Saturdays mornings and be strictly vegetarian on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Their siblings may face troubles and they themselves may experience difficulties at their work area. Some may lose their jobs and some may change. But both ways, they need to be vigilant. It would be better to wear a Red Coral and a Moonstone, both in silver.
SAGITTARIUS: Those who have Moon in Sagittarius have just started their seven and a half year cycle of Saturn and they should slow things down now. They should save all the money and just spend on basic necessities. Their money situation may become difficult, therefore they should not overspend. They should also take care of their eyes. They too, should pray every Saturday morning and be vegetarian for the day.
CAPRICORN: Those born with Moon in Capricorn will generally have a good year and will do better in their businesses or jobs. Those who are single will find partners and some may get married. The next 6 months is going to offer good opportunities. It would be good if Capricorn signs always wore a natural white Pearl set in silver.
AQUARIUS: These Moon signs will face some challenges in their home life and also careers. They may incur losses and therefore advised to save money and not try speculation. They may face this situation more towards the latter half of the year. Aquarians are advised to wear a Ruby and pray on Saturdays. Take care of the left eye as this may cause some trouble.
PISCES: Those who have Moon in Pisces will have a very good year. There may be some health issues but they can be overcome soon. Rahu and Ketu transit their house of relationships, and therefore may cause some misunderstandings between spouses. Wearing a Cat’s eye will protect them from these situations.
I would like to write about the Saturday prayers. One should do prayers every Saturday morning, after bath or washing up before eating anything. Each one must follow their own faith, as God only understands the language of the heart. So from the deepest of your hearts, pray to God to protect you from the negative energy of the planet Saturn and as a resolve, for balancing of karma, you should be strictly vegetarian every Saturday. As per the Hindu calendar, the day starts from sunrise and ends on the sunrise the nest day. You may have milk, cheese or butter. But should not have eggs, fish, chicken or meat and no alcohol. This is a spiritual remedy to balance bad karma.
May God bless you all and may there be peace, harmony, righteousness and love in the world. When there is peace, harmony and righteousness, prosperity follows.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Tel: 718-429-1892 (NY)